We are Rotaryana Group of Company

Professional Hygene & Sanitation Chemical

Professional Kitchen & Laundry Equipment

Food Ingredient Solution

Speciality Hygene & Sanitation




FnB Processing

Our care is intensive to help you flourish in your business Choose our range of biodegradable products. Efficient system allows you to save on the ever valuable water

Our Product
Water is the essential ingredient

We use the best technology available in filtration system to have the purest water in order to have the best product.

Our mixers are specially designed from our years of experience in order to have the perfect product.

We have advanced metering system for perfect blending.

Laundry, Kitchen, Housekeeping
Food & Beverage Processing

Our care is intensive to help you flourish in your business Choose our range of biodegradable products Efficient system allows you to save on the ever valuable water

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We are the laundry specialist.
We think laundry & we dream laundry.

Our Specialty is Laundry. We service everyone from five star hotel to hospitals to kilo laundry

With our Special formula We can extend your linen life, keep the linen white and bright and most important to have hygienic result.

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Whenever you need to do laundry You can rely on us to advice and deliver the whitest, cleanest and hygienic results. It takes experience people to produce the result and we have the people.

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The best results Requires a balanced system from your water, machineries, design layout and lagistics.

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Kitchen Steward Professionals

Professionalism is mandatory to operate a hygienic kitchen.

This translates to lower cost in the long run, we keep your food wastage low from the beginning at the receiving point by sanitizing the work area

With our kitchen system we advise and train you to keep the kitchen clean and hygienic

We have tailor made programs for kitchens for all sizes from airline catering,fast food restaurant, and coffee shops

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